
Bhurishravas was a prince of a minor kingdom in the kingdom of Bahlika and played a role in the Mahabharata epic.Bhurishravas’ father, Somadatta, once clashed with another prince called Sini. When Devaki, the mother of Lord Krishna was still unwed, many princes competed for her hand in marriage including Somadatta and Sini who fought a great battle over her. Sini, fighting on behalf of Vasudeva won the battle. This incident launched an hatred between the Sini and Somadatta families leading to a sibling rivalry.
By the time of the Battle of Kurukshetra, Saini’s grandson Satyaki, now a king of the Vrishnis, was allied with the Pandava army while Bhurishravas, now aged, sided with the Kauravas and was one of the eleven commanders of the Kaurava army.

On the 14th day of the battle Bhurishravas challenged Satyaki. When Satyaki began to tire after a long and bloody battle, Bhurishravas battered him and dragged him across the battlefield. Arjuna, the leading warrior on the Pandava army, was alerted to Satyaki’s danger by Lord Krishna. Just as Bhurishravas was preparing to kill Satyaki, Arjuna came to the rescue, shooting an arrow cutting off Bhurishravas’ arm.

Bhurishravas wailed that by striking him without a formal challenge, and from behind, Arjuna had disgraced the honor between warriors. Arjuna in turn rebuked Bhurishravas for attempting to kill an unarmed Satyaki – an act also against the rules of war. Arjuna reiterated that protecting Satyaki’s life at all costs was his responsibility as a friend and comrade in arms.

At this point, realising his folly, Bhurishravas laid down his weapons, and sat in the lotus posture to practice yoga.
But then Satyaki emerged from his swoon, and before Arjuna could stop him, swiftly decapitated his enemy.

The warriors on both sides of the battle universally condemned Satyaki for this act – one of the incidents in the epic showing the superiority of dharma and honor against the uncontrollable power of hatred. Symbolically, as Bhurishravas’ attempt to kill the unarmed Satyaki immediately resulted in his own death in the same manner, Bhurishravas can be seen as representing the binding effects of one’s material actions (karma).

Most of times, whenever he is angry he was stratigically fought with Yudhistra , who his known for his cool and calm behavior. Hence, he was never able to display full potential.

Although, he reached very close to his maximum angry level when he heard that hios father has been killed and Duryodhana is almost dead. At that time, he attacked pandavas’ camp to kill all their sons. Actaully, he thought he hsa killed all 5 pandavas, hence, he angry level came down.

After this act, he was cursed was Krishna as a chiranjeevi and his wounds would never heel. At this time, he realised his mistake and then his all boons and angry power was taken off.

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