
 Meghanada was the son of Ravana, the demon king of Lanka and a brave warrior who also joined the fight against Rama and the Vanara sena.
 It began with Ravana’s quest for the perfect son

Ravana, as we know was immensely powerful, and like all egoistic people wanted the perfect son. He ordered the planets to be in the perfect constellation for an auspicious birth of his son. Ravana at the time had conquered everything there was to conquer.The planets, fearing Ravana’s wrath obliged. Thus, his son was born at the most auspicious time, assuring him of a great life ahead.

Ravana’s son was born of his wife Mandodari, and when the son was born, his cries sounded like thunder, and hence was named Meghanad (meaning thunderous in Sanskrit).During the battle of Ramayana, he almost wiped out the entire Vanara army single-handedly

Indrajit only entered the battle after Ravana was defeated and Kumbhakarna was killed. He also lost all his brothers and cousins too. He was invincible and the day he entered the battle, and he spread terror through the ranks of Rama’s army.

During the time he was on the battlefield, he completely obliterated his enemies and there was no stopping him.

Hanuman, who was one of the strongest beings on Earth to ever live was defeated by Indrajit. Indrajit captured and defeated him by using the Brahmastra. But it is said that it was respect shown by Hanuman to the Brahmastra

 Meghanada was undefeatable in battle by virtue of a special yajna which he used to perform before the battle. This yagya made him invincible and impossible to be defeated by any of his enemies.

 He was so powerful that he conquered all the three worlds and Indra Loka too, as he had defeated Indra. Indra was captured by Meghnada and imprisoned in Lanka, where he was the subject of ridicule at the palace.

 This great victory over the Devas and their king earned Meghnada the title of Indrajit. He had also captured Rama and Lakshmana with his famous weapon Ngapasam.

  He had also attacked Lakshmana with his dangerous astra the shakti by piercing his body with it. Lakshmana was on the verge of death and had to be rescued by Lord Hanuman, who had brought the Sanjivani herbs from mainland India.

   Even Rama failed to defeat him twice. Such was the power and strength of Ravana’s son Indrajit. Even though Lakshmana ultimately killed Indrajit by disturbing his yagya, he was definitely a very influential character in the Ramayana.

  Shukra, the guru of the demons guided Indrajit towards possessing several divine celestial weapons such as Pashupatastra, Brahmastra and Vaishnavastra at a very young age. Indrajit had a wife named Sulochana, who was the daughter of Shesha Naga, the king of serpents. Sulochana is also known by the name of Prameela.

  In a battle known as Devasura Sangram, Indrajit defeated Indra, tied him up and mounted him on his celestial chariot. But soon Lord Brahma intervened and asked Indrajit to release him. Indrajit obliged to this and was asked by Brahma to wish for any boon.

 Rama, the avatar of Vishnu was defeated when Indrajit let loose one of his most powerful weapons – the Nagapash. The weapon unleashed a million snakes that wrapped themselves around the bodies of Rama and Laxmana.They fell defeated and utterly exhausted and had to be saved by Garuda.

Indrajit realizes that Rama is no ordinary human and pleads to his father to surrender and give Sita back

The Vaishnavastra – the weapon of Vishnu, circumnavigated Laxmana without harming him. Indrajit realized that Laxmana and Rama are no human beings and transported himself instantaneously in front of Ravana using his magical powers.He pleaded to his father to give Sita back or face sure defeat.

 Ravana laughs and humiliates Indrajit, calling him a coward.Ravana, drunk with power, refused to pay heed to his own son, just like he ignored Vibhishana. He called Indrajit a coward for running away from the battle. Indrajit is ashamed and with anger, he tells his father that it was because of his duty as a son he was still fighting.However, he assured Ravana that he will not abandon his side, come what may.

Indrajit realized that his father will never surrender Sita. He also realized that Rama and Laxmana are much more than just humans. He walked into the battle with a finality, accepting his death at the hands of Laxmana. But he still fought valiantly Indrajit accepts his fate and walks to his own death knowing his fate is sealed.

Indrajit was the only person in the whole universe to hold the three ultimate weapons – Brahmanda Astra, Pashupatastra, and Vaishnavastra together.
He was also known as a Mhamaharathi who is capable of engaging 24 Aathimaharathis at the same time.And he never left his father’s side and played the role of a religious son – literally to his own death.

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