
When Pradyumna grew up, he battled the demon Sambara and killed him using the Vaishnavastra. Soon after Pradyumna became a constant companion of his father Krishna and was well liked by the people of Dvaraka. Pradyumna was a mighty Maharathi warrior.

 He possessed the extremely rare Vaishnavastra which is the most powerful weapon in the universe. Also he was one of the very few people to know the secret of the Chakra Vyuha. But Pradyumna did not participate in the Kurukshetra War as he went on a pilgrimage with his uncle Balarama and other yadavas.

In accordance to Lord Shiva's boon to Rati, he married her incarnation, Princess Rukmavati, the Princess of Vidarbha and daughter of his maternal uncle, Bhimkaraya Rukmi. It is said that Rukmavati found his valor, handsomeness and charm beyond words and insisted on marrying him at her swayamvara. With her, he fathered,

 Krishna's grandson and favourite, also considered a vyuha avatar of Vishnu, Prince Aniruddha.Pradyumna was later killed in an intoxicated brawl at Dvaraka that resulted in the death of most Yadava warriors.

Knowing that their destruction was near, the Yadavas retired to Prabhasa where they were allotted temporary residences. When their time had come Vrishnis started revelling and drinking. Satyaki who was inebriated laughed at and insulted Kritavarma for killing the Pandava army in midst of their sleep. Pradyumna applauded Satyaki for this which highly incensed Kritavarma. He then taunted Satyaki by saying that he had slain the armless Bhurshiravas who had given up all hostile intentions.

Satyaki then narrated the incident when Kritavarma tried to kill Satrajit. Satyabhama upon hearing this became angry and started crying. She then approaced Krishna and sat on his lap greatly increasing his anger towards Kritavarma.

Satyaki then rising up in anger said that he would Kritavarma for slaying the warriors of the Pandava army while they were asleep. Having said this he rushed towards Kritavarma and severed his head with a sword. He then started killing the warriors who were on Kritavarma's side.

Krishna then ran to stop Satyaki. The Bhojas and the Andhakas incensed at Satyaki surrounded him. Krishna knowing the character of the hour stood there unmoved and let them do whatever they could do. The Bhojas and Andhakas started striking Satyaki with the pots in which they had been eating.

Pradyumna upon seeing this became highly enraged and rushed forward for rescuing Satyaki who was engaged with the Bhojas and the Andhakas. However the numbers of the Bhojas and Andhakas overwhelmed the two warriors and they were slain in front of Krishna.

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