
Lord Hanuman, the Hindu deity of Devotion. Born to Kesari and Anjana by the grace of Lord Shiva. The God Son of the Wind God Vayu. He is an incarnation of Lord Shiva and last of the 11 Rudra's. 

He was a major hero in the epic Ramayana and was Rama's support in finding Sita and destroying the evil Rakshas Ravana. Chant the Hanuman Chalisa daily to receive boons and power of Lord Hanuman.

Does it make any sense that Hanumanji almost succeeded in eating our sun or is there some underlying symbolism in it?

This is a case of classic symbolism. And to understand this symbolism we would need History, astronomy and lots of reading.

Hanuman is known as Vrishakapi in the Vedic texts. Vrishakapi is mentioned in the list of eleven Rudras. Hanuman being an aspect of Shiva fits right along with the title of Vrishakapi.

Now, Vrishakapi was a deity at feud with Indra. He drinks Soma and has issues with Indrani(Indra's wife). What does that mean ?

The answer lies in astronomy,  "VrishaKapi" is also used to describe the Orion constellation at the time of Vernal Equinox. 

The journey from Winter Solstice to Vernal Equinox seems like as if the Orion constellation is following the Sun. Since, Orion seems like a human figure, it can be imagined like a man chasing a fruit.
These are the months when rains are not observed and Indra is not prayed. Hence, the reason why Vrishakapi is a competitor to Indra.
On the day of the Vernal Equinox this motion stops and this moment is etched in Hanuman Chaleesa by Goswami TulsiDas. The whole motion is woven into a story that is common in folklore. 

In the same text it is said that - The Sun is Jug-Sahastra Yojan far from Earth.
Jug means Yuga (12000), Sahastra meaning Thousand, Yojan being the standard unit of measurement in Indian system.
When we solve this particular phrase it comes out to be very close to the actual value.

On might ask why is Yuga 12000 - In ancient Indian time keeping system, the precessional cycle is carefully divided into two halves, making each half 12000 years, this calculation is in accord with Swami Yukteshwar's Holy Science.

It comes as a surprise to many skeptics who think that this is all force-fitting. But how uncanny it might seem. Finding distance of Sun was not a great deal for medieval Indian astronomers. Not only the distance from Sun, almost every ancient culture had figured out precession of equinoxes and shift of pole stars.

I strongly condemn over-glorification of Vedic science, but I equally despise the arrogant, unverified opposition that comes against it. Ancient people were not as stupid as we think they were.

why hanumanji most popular among the sanatan gods?
  • Hanuman was a Brahamachari(one who takes oath of abstinence). Though there are stories that he was married to Suvarchala Devi
  • He was considered to be incarnate of Lord Shiva.
  • He had Surya (The Sun God) as his teacher.
  • He was Vayu Putra(Vayu=Wind, Putra=Son. So Vayuputra=Son of God of Wind) - thus giving him incredible strength.
  • He is also a Chiranjeevi (Chir= infinite jeevan= life. So Chiranjivi= Immortal) . This boon given to him by Yama (God of Death) - during the Indra's(God of Rain) Vajra hitting him on his chin and Vayu(God of Wind) depriving the world of air.)
  • He was an expert in Grammar and Statecraft.
  • He knew etiquette of conversing with kings, queens, humans and animals.
  • He was a very good student and friend.
  • He took initiative, wasn't afraid to speak his mind and always under-played himself.
  • He was the biggest devotee of Lord Ram.

Now let's expand that a little bit more.

In India, the brahmachari is always respected. He is often looked upon as a symbol of "Veeryam" - Not Veeram - Veeryam (Veerya = Semen/Potency) - more in the sense of potency. His strength was accentuated and attributed to the fact that he was a brahmachari.

I would like to add a small tidbit here - 

In the Ramayana - Sugreeva was Surya's Son (that is the reason why Hanuman was instructed by Surya - after he completes his training to serve Sugreeva in the matters of the state and perhaps to help him out of his problems with Vaali).

   Vaali on the other hand was the son of Indra, who had the boon that he would have half the power of the enemy whom he confronts on the battlefield. Rama - the Vishnu Incarnate - sided with Sugreeva and killed Vali. In the Mahabharata - the same Vishnu Incarnate sides with Indra's son (Arjuna) to kill Surya's Son (Karna) - thus balancing the equation ! :)

Traversing the sky with Surya - at the same speed as the Sun God during the day and still learning lessons and mastering them - indicated his powers of concentration and multi-tasking skills.

Being the son of a Deva also helped.

There are only few Chiranjeevis in this world - (but none of them are blessed with youthfulness - point to be noted. This case is found in almost all legends through out the world - that Immortality is given - but youthfulness is not.

   So its highly probable that Hanuman is out there somewhere - but is too old) [The 7 Chiranjeevis are Maharaja Bali, Parashuraam, Vibhishana, Hanuman, Vyasa, Ashwathama and Kripa.]

Being a Chiranjeevi is a good enough virtue for people to start worshipping someone.

Hanuman was an expert in Grammar, statecraft, Etiquette of conversations and thus was always an asset to any king. He was actually the "King Maker" who never wanted Power, Money or Fame. Valmiki says in the Ramayana that Hanuman during his Ashok Vatika visit - thought of destroying Lanka and taking back Sita with him to Ram, but refrains because he was a messenger and as per the protocol of a messenger he was not allowed to do that. 

  Similarly when Vibhishana came to Rama to surrender and others suggested that he be put to death, Rama turned to the wise Hanuman - who correctly advises him on the protocol that people who come for "saranagathi" or complete surrender are to be embraced into the fold and must not be executed.

He led the Vaanar-Sena with courage. He was brave and strong and killed many Rakshasa warriors. He inspired folks by doing things Hands-On proving that he was a true Leader who led from the front.

In a country like India, anything associated with Ram is bound to get attention and what more can you ask - if Rama himself hugs Hanuman and calls him his brother ? This is one major reason why Hanuman is worshipped. He was selfless.

   He could have asked Rama for anything and it would have been given to him but he chose to remain a humble servant to Lord Ram and that made him more endearing to the masses.

Mahakavi's (Famous poets) such as Tulsidas' portrayal of Hanuman was so simplistic and natural that people often put themselves in place of Hanuman in trying to envisage what it must have been to see Ram at such close quarters. Such was Hanuman's bhakthi.

Kids in India are often told stories of how he could fly and could lift mountains effortlessly. Flying and lifting mountains is considered an impossible task. Its a metaphor to indicate that even the most impossible and most difficult of problems can be solved if you worship Hanuman.

  They are also told that worshiping Hanuman increases your powers of concentration and that you would do well in studies.
Hanuman Chaaleesa speaks of him as a provider of "Ashta Siddhi and Nava Nidhi".

Speaking of Hanuman Chaaleesa - Tulsidas was once challenged to stay in a cemetery for an entire night. Towards the end of the night, Tulsidas heard strange noises and sounds and in order to keep his mind occupied - he composed the Hanuman Chaaleesa - a hymn comprising of 40 couplets praising Hanuman and extolling his deeds.

In North India - Tuesdays are dedicated to him because Hanuman is believed to bring Mars (Mangal) under control. Mars being an aggressive planet it is necessary for a "stronger" god to keep him in check.

Down south, Hanuman worship is more on Saturdays - as it is the day dedicated for Vishnu and his incarnates - hence Rama Doot also gets his share of attention. Also he is known as the "Siriya thiruvadi" - meaning the "Smaller Feet/Vahana" and during weeklong festivities the lord is taken out on Hanuman. (Also known as Hanumantha Seva - popular in Tirupathi) (Garuda is known as the Periya Thiruvadi - or the Primary Vahana of the Lord.)

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